Teaching training in intercultural education in Latin America. The Chilean case.


  • Segundo Enrique Quintriqueo Millán Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Daniel Quilaqueo
  • Patricio Lepe-Carrión
  • Enrique Riquelme
  • Maritza Guitiérrez
  • Fernando Peña-Cortés
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.17.2.198021
Keywords: intercultural education, teaching training, interculturality, indigenous contexts, cultural diversity, epistemology.

Supporting Agencies

  • Agradecimientos
  • Agradecemos al Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico FONDECYT N° 1140490. Centro de Investigación en Educación en Contexto Indígena e Intercultural (CIECII)


This article aims to analyze the intercultural education and teaching formation in Latin America, specially in Chile. The study of this subject is an analysis of the Team of Senior Researchers of the Research Center in Indigenous and Intercultural Context (CIECII)“Centro de Investigación en Educación en Contexto Indígena e Intercultural” –  part of the Millennium Scientific Initiative (ICM in Spanish) program by the Universidad Católica de Temuco. We uphold the view that interculturality in Latin America had its origin in the dynamic and complex relationships among the different indigenous communities and in the subsequent sociocultural transformations that resulted from the processes of conquest, colonization and constitution of the nation-states. In this context, bilingual intercultural education has been historically aimed at indigenous people, while formal schooling has been conceived mainly as a strategic tool of the nation-states to continue the dominance processes inherited from the colonial time (coloniality), specially in the school institutions. Thus, thinking about interculturality in a critical manner means to conceive it as an ethical, political and epistemological project to be. A project that  would transform the foundations that underpin the asymmetries and inequities in our society and that are replicated through formal schooling. We can conclude that, for teaching training, interculturality should seek to build a dialogue among subjects belonging to different societies and cultures in order to counteract the single-lined monoculturalism, to overcome the colonial characteristics of the educational actions, based on teaching practices based on critical awareness, as well as to combat racism and discrimination. 


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Author Biography

Segundo Enrique Quintriqueo Millán, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Doctor en Educación, Profesor Asociado de la Universidad  Católica de Temuco (UCT), Chile, Investigador Titular del CIECII, del Núcleo de Estudios Interétnicos e Interculturales (NEII) de la UCT e Investigador Asociado del Centre Interuniversitaire d’Études et de Recherches Autochtones (CIÉRA) de l’Université Laval, Québec, Canadá. Es autor principal de los artículos “Contribución para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales: saber mapuche y escolar”. Educ. Pesqui., São Paulo, Ahead of print, fev. 2014 y “Construcción de conocimiento mapuche y su relación con el conocimiento escolar”. Estudios Pedagógicos, Vol. XXXIX, N° 1: 199-216. Estas publicaciones aportan a una discusión epistemológica sobre la importancia de considerar los conocimientos educativos propios en procesos de contextualización curricular intercultural. E-mail: squintri@uct.cl
How to Cite
Quintriqueo Millán, S. E., Quilaqueo, D., Lepe-Carrión, P., Riquelme, E., Guitiérrez, M., & Peña-Cortés, F. (2014). Teaching training in intercultural education in Latin America. The Chilean case. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 17(2), 217. https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.17.2.198021