The digital divide. The future of new technologies in Primary Education from teacher training


  • Lorenzo Mur Sangrá Universidad de Zaragoza
Keywords: Didactics, school, experience, university, primary

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad de Zaragoza


The introduction of the new technologies in the classroom has created a great debate on his suitability and the necessary changes. This discussion has not had continuity in valuing the impact and use that of these technologies is done in Primary. The methodological inertia and of utilization of the school manual it provokes an insufficient application of the technology without a change in the method and the didactics based on the new resources and models of learning. After a brief analysis of the possible reasons of this new digital opened gap we try to answer to the principal question: why are not new technologies applied in the classroom as central part of the didactic process?


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Author Biography

Lorenzo Mur Sangrá, Universidad de Zaragoza

Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y de las Ciencias Sociales.

Universidad de Zaragoza

How to Cite
Mur Sangrá, L. (2016). The digital divide. The future of new technologies in Primary Education from teacher training. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(2), 301–313.