Evaluation of a Model for Initial Formation of Teachers for its adaptation to the EHEA. Incidence of Portfolio


  • María Luisa Oliveras Contreras
  • Noelia Agudo Navío
Keywords: Teacher Competencies, Portfolio Assessment, Interdisciplinary Approach, Creative Teaching


After developing an innovative program to bring a course of university education, initial teacher training, to the EHEA, by applying our Emerging Instructional Model MED, including new methodologies and learning tasks to achieve new goals, we show the results of research concerning the evaluation of MED by a group of students who participated in the implementation of the model. The methodology is qualitative, including quantitative data. The results indicate the success of the MED for the professional competencies: reflective practitioner, cooperative work and interdisciplinary creativity, aims to integrate the EHEA.


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How to Cite
Oliveras Contreras, M. L., & Agudo Navío, N. (2012). Evaluation of a Model for Initial Formation of Teachers for its adaptation to the EHEA. Incidence of Portfolio. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 15(4), 89–99. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/reifop/article/view/174841