Analysis of the necessities of the educational formation for pluricultural contexts


  • María del Mar Bernabé Villodre
Keywords: teachers’ preparation, pedagogy, pedagogic methods


In order that an intercultural programming turns out to be a feasible debit to possess educational equipment adequately formed, that could answer to the elements understood in the educational legislation. For this positive development, it becomes necessary that the teacher possesses the pedagogic necessary abilities and shows positive attitudes that favor the integration of the culturally minority pupil. It has split of three basic elements in order that the teachers could develop an intercultural educational competition and, from them, one has proposed an educational specific and different formation for the familiar area of the learner, indispensable in the process of attainment of the intercultural abilities.


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How to Cite
Bernabé Villodre, M. del M. (2012). Analysis of the necessities of the educational formation for pluricultural contexts. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 15(4), 79–88. Retrieved from