The analysis of classroom interaction in project work


  • Judit Gómez Jové
  • José Luis Navarro Sierra
  • Glòria Jové Monclús
Keywords: Classroom interaction, Immigration, School education


This work is the result of a study submitted for the Diploma of Advanced Studies at the University of Lleida. Its purpose was to identify and analyze how the skills and basic skills from curriculum access are specified when you apply the Project "Alber: an instrument for diversity attention in the classroom."

The participants have been 4 year old students and the classroom teacher of school Princep de Viana in Lleida, a school with a high number of immigrant pupils. For its development, has been carried out an observational study, based on the analysis of interaction in the classroom, using a protocol of analysis that has been used in previous works in the Spanish context. This study was carried out in parallel with the observation and recording skills and abilities to access the curriculum that make up the project Alber.

The results obtained allow us to assert that the analysis of interaction in the classroom is a valid tool to investigate educational practice.


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How to Cite
Gómez Jové, J., Navarro Sierra, J. L., & Jové Monclús, G. (2012). The analysis of classroom interaction in project work. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 15(4), 43–55. Retrieved from