Teaching Practice in the initial training of teachers in the first cycle of Primary Education


  • Hugo Alexandre Lopes Menino
  • Florentino Blázquez Entonado
Keywords: Pre–service Teacher Education, Teacher’s practice, University students, Teaching and training


Being centered in the context of initial teachers’ education this article describes and analyzes the speech about the role of the pedagogic practice in the point of view of the different elements that participate in that process. The developed investigation was drawn in both quantitative and qualitative paradigms, involving futures teachers, cooperative teachers (tutors) and supervisor teachers. The analysis was essentially descriptive and interpretative. The analysis allowed obtaining a conceptual picture guided by several categories that show: the conceptions concerning the expectations and fears about profession; the function and organization of the pedagogic practice; and, the cooperative teachers' role and supervisors’role. The main results evidence that the component of practice is very important in the pre– service teachers’ education.


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How to Cite
Lopes Menino, H. A., & Blázquez Entonado, F. (2012). Teaching Practice in the initial training of teachers in the first cycle of Primary Education. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 15(4), 29–42. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/reifop/article/view/174791