Why do Students Participate so little in the Management of the University? The Opinion of the Teaching Staff


  • Anna Planas Lladó
  • Pere Soler Masó
  • María Pallisera Díaz
  • Montserrat Vilà Suñé
  • Judir Fullana Noell
Keywords: Student Participation, Governance, University Training


This article reflects on the results of a research study into the participation of students in university management and government. It focuses on the opinions and perceptions of the teaching staff involved directly in the management of teaching. Relevant data provides a more complete view of student participation, which is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. The interpretation of that data provides important information that helps explain some of the reasons for this low participation and leads to possible strategies to attempt to overturn this tendency.


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How to Cite
Planas Lladó, A., Soler Masó, P., Pallisera Díaz, M., Vilà Suñé, M., & Fullana Noell, J. (2012). Why do Students Participate so little in the Management of the University? The Opinion of the Teaching Staff. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 15(4), 17–27. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/reifop/article/view/174781