Interculturality in the university context through the voices of immigrant students


  • Juan José Leiva Olivencia Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Inclusion, Identity, Immigrant women, University context.

Supporting Agencies

  • Dirección General de Políticas Migratorias de la Consejería de Empleo e Inmigración de la Junta de Andalucía


This article aims to highlight some nuances of a study carried out in the Faculty of Sciences of the Education of the University of Malaga, where we intended to make visible the voices of women immigrants from a perspective of interculturality and inclusion. Indeed, while it is true that the phenomenon of immigration on school is a matter treated comprehensively in recent years in our country, as a result of the conceptual development of intercultural education, it seems that it will stay in the formal field of school organization, and in particular, in the educational levels of non-university education. For all these reasons, and in the light of the development of the research project entitled "Management of diversity in community contexts", financed by the DG of migratory policies of the Departament of Employment and Immigration of the Junta de Andalucía, we tried to go and focus our gaze to the study of the process of building identity of immigrant women University as well as studying how to develop interculturality in the university context. The results of this study indicate the need for a greater awareness about cultural interbreeding and the culture of diversity in the university context, as well as the creation of spaces and creative instruments where interculturality can develop in a practical way in the university classroom.


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Author Biography

Juan José Leiva Olivencia, Universidad de Málaga

Licenciado en Psicopedagogía y en Pedagogía, y Doctor en Psicopedagogía por la Universidad de Málaga (Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado), es Máster European Counsellor for Multicultural Affairs por el State College of Teacher Education de Linz (Austria). Experto en Programación, Desarrollo y Evaluación de Educación Abierta y a Distancia con TIC por la Universidad de Granada. Especialista en temas de convivencia, interculturalidad y diversidad cultural, tiene numerosas publicaciones sobre estos y otros temas educativos. Profesor Tutor en el Centro Asociado “María Zambrano” de la UNED en Málaga (Aula de Extensión Universitaria de Mijas). Imparte cursos de especialización educativa intercultural en diversas universidades nacionales e internacionales. Coordinador del Seminario de Interculturalidad, Comunidad y Escuela de Málaga (SICOE). Es Profesor de Didáctica y Organización Escolar en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Málaga.

How to Cite
Leiva Olivencia, J. J. (2014). Interculturality in the university context through the voices of immigrant students. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 17(2), 166.