Education and elderly people


  • Juan Agustín Morón Marchena
Keywords: Elderly people, Life Long Learning, Adult education, Teacher education.


When making a projection of Spanish population, it is shown that  there will be more and more elderly people. In overall numbers as well as in total numbers, and especially in the percentage on the whole population. It will be a society in an increasing aging. But people will live longer, as life expectancy will increase significantly with better health conditions. Hence there will be more time, for example, for training,  to attend classes... . Life Long Learning will gain more and more space. Teachers´ training (Training of Educators and Teachers) has in elderly people, a really important and growing action field. A training with a  specific character within Life Long Learning and Adult Education, which requires a different approach to the conceptual, as well as procedural and methodolocical planning


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How to Cite
Morón Marchena, J. A. (2014). Education and elderly people. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 17(1), 121.