Professional learning through a focus on task design: responding to historical scholarship and students' interests


  • Jason Todd University of Oxford
  • David Hibbert Owen School
Palabras clave: Knowledge, Planning, Teacher Development, Student interests.


This article reports on a small-scale collaborative research project that investigated the role played by scholarship and student interests in teachers’ planning and professional learning. It involved three history teachers in different schools working either with each other and the researcher to plan tasks in the classroom, the project took place over the course of one year. A key conclusion is the need for dialogic spaces to allow teachers to explore and integrate ideas based on knowledge of their students, with knowledge from historical scholarship.


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Biografía del autor/a

Jason Todd, University of Oxford

PGCE History TutorMLT Tutor
Cómo citar
Todd, J., & Hibbert, D. (2017). Professional learning through a focus on task design: responding to historical scholarship and students’ interests. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 20(3), 15–31.