Trans Depathologization and Art Therapy Practice


  • Amets Suess
Keywords: Trans Depathologization, Gender Identities, Art Therapy


Throughout recent years, the increased presence of an international activism for trans depathologization has been observed. Its main demands are the removal of “gender dysphoria”/“gender identity disorder” categories from the diagnostic manuals DSM and ICD, as well as the guarantee of trans health rights, including public coverage of trans health care. This movement also demands the replacement of the current evaluation and authorization model by an approach based on personal autonomy and informed decision-making. Observing a process of change from the conceptualization of trans trajectories and identities as an illness towards their understanding as human rights, this article reviews the role of gender transition processes in psychotherapeutic settings, including art therapy practice. Within a reflexive framework regarding the possibilities of constructing an art therapy space open to a diversity of gender expressions, trajectories and identities, this article proposes a self-reflexive exercise addressing the influence of values, visual imaginaries and subjective positions within the professional practice.


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How to Cite
Suess, A. (2011). Trans Depathologization and Art Therapy Practice. Art and Identity Policies, 4, 107–126. Retrieved from