Web accessibility into Grupo Planeta´s cybermedia to both sides of Atlantic:

La Razón and El Tiempo case stories.


  • David Parra Valcarce Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Accesibilidad, ciberperiodismo, w3c, pautas wai, sociedad de la información, TAW.


One of the most remarkable sides of Information Society is the promotion of the web accessibility, considered like the requirement that users with physical or mental disabilities must be in conditions of get into the contents of the Net. Like a part of Internet reality, cyberjournalism is not outside of this trend. This article analyzes the state of the art in two cyberpapers like La Razón (Spain) and El Tiempo (Colombia), both owned by Grupo Planeta, a multimedia holding with business in Latin America and Spain. The study of the nowadays situation concludes that both cyberpapers have to go across a long way in order to adapt to the challenge of web accessibility, making it compatible with the new tendencies in cyberdesign: multimedia, hypertext, interactivity and adaptation to the new mobile gadgets.


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How to Cite
Parra Valcarce, D. (2010). Web accessibility into Grupo Planeta´s cybermedia to both sides of Atlantic:: La Razón and El Tiempo case stories. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (4). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/99961
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