Judicial career, advocacy and gender equality
Supporting Agencies
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Legal professions have historically been banned from women due to the prejudice of their inability to occupy public space. Therefore, there have been no women jurists at any time until the 19th century, when the first women timidly began to study the Law Degree. Although even well into the 20th century, prohibitions remained that prevented them from being Judges, Prosecutors or Notaries. With these prohibitions removed, women have begun to integrate legal professions in a massive way. But the prejudice that expelled them from public life, and that bound them to the home, is still in force, which has determined that, even today, there are numerous equality deficits: few women in judicial high courts, harassment, wage gap.
BARRÈRE UNZUETA, María Ángeles, Feminismo y Derecho (Fragmentos para un derecho antisubordiscriminatorio), Editorial Olejnik (Santiago de Chile, 2019).
BEARD, Mary, Mujeres y poder. Un manifiesto, Editorial Crítica (Barcelona, 2018).
GIL RUÍZ, Juana María (coord.), El Convenio de Estambul como marco de derecho antisubordiscriminatorio, Editorial Dykinson (Madrid, 2018).
LOUSADA AROCHENA, José Fernando, El derecho fundamental a la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch (Valencia, 2014).
LOUSADA AROCHENA, José Fernando, “Impacto en la Carrera Judicial de la Ley Orgánica 3/2007, de 22 de marzo, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres”, Cuadernos Digitales de Formación del CGPJ (Madrid, 2017).
LOUSADA AROCHENA, José Fernando, El enjuiciamiento de género, Editorial Dykinson (Madrid, 2020).
OTERO PARGA, Milagros, “Una mujer juez. A propósito del Plan 14/02/2013 de Igualdad de la Carrera Judicial”, Dereito, Volumen 22, 2013.
VENTURA FRANCH, Asunción y GARCÍA CAMPÁ, Santiago (coords.), El derecho a la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres. Una evaluación del primer decenio de la Ley Orgánica 3/2007, Editorial Aranzadi (Madrid, 2018).
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