Una fuente más sobre el Panteón Real de El Escorial: Fray Martín de la Vera y su Instrucción de eclesiásticos (1630)


  • José Luis Vega Loeches
Keywords: Escorial, Pantheon, Superintendent, Baroque Architecture, Order of Saint Jerome, Martín de la Vera, Francisco de los Santos, Philip IV, Count-Duke of Olivares, Juan de Noort, Giovanni Battista Crescenzi, Diego Velázquez, Buen Retiro Palace


The present paper aims to analyze the controversial figure of fray Martín de la Vera (c. 1561-1637), Prior-superintendent of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, during the construction of the Royal Pantheon. De la Vera was accused by the master stonemasons of having diverted royal funds away from the funerary crypt. In light of the monk’s involvement in this dispute, it is especially interesting to highlight a section of this book, Instrucción de eclesiásticos (Madrid, 1630), in which he deals with the works in the Pantheon and their signifcance. De la Vera published the book four years after the scandal and his subsequent loss of royal favour.


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How to Cite
Vega Loeches, J. L. (2014). Una fuente más sobre el Panteón Real de El Escorial: Fray Martín de la Vera y su Instrucción de eclesiásticos (1630). Imafronte, (23), 67–101. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/imafronte/article/view/201321