Un viejo y persistente tópico literario: el manuscrito hallado


  • Ana L. Baquero Escudero
Keywords: topic, found manuscript, fiction-history


Through a wide panoramic vision, the present study tries to convey the strong and validity of an ancient literary convention: the found manuscript. From ancient literature to the most modern writers —and this is analiysed with more detailed in a Franciso Ayala’s tale—, the old topic of the found manuscript place the literary work in this peculiar junction between Fiction and History though it is managed at the service of may different interests.


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How to Cite
Baquero Escudero, A. L. (2007). Un viejo y persistente tópico literario: el manuscrito hallado. Estudios Románicos, 17(2), 249–260. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/estudiosromanicos/article/view/94721
El mundo filológico