Borbones y toreo. Refl exiones para su estudio en la España de la primera mitad del Setecientos


  • Antonio Peñafiel Ramón


In relation to what bull fi ghting events have meant throughout the history of Spain, the aim of the present paper is to delve further into the discussion of the immediate change from chivalrous to plebeian bull fi ghting that took place when the Borbon dynasty took power. The reign of the fi rst Borbon, Felipe V, is taken as an example, and the data analysed are the news that appeared in such fi rst hand sources as La Gaceta de Madrid, the “official” —although not always totally reliable— chronicle of Kings and the Court.


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How to Cite
Peñafiel Ramón, A. (2007). Borbones y toreo. Refl exiones para su estudio en la España de la primera mitad del Setecientos. Estudios Románicos, 17(2), 167–178. Retrieved from
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