Femmes engagées, Encarnación Medina Arjona (dir.) et Adela Tarifa Fernández (dir.) Paris, l’Harmattan, coll. La perspectiva textual, 2023, 280 p. (ISBN : 978-2-14-048921-1)


Keywords: women, engaged, report, book


Engaged Writers is a collective work directed by Encarnación Medina Arjona and Adela Tarifa Fernández which deals with the feminine commitment of women writers throughout the world and eras who have demonstrated a great sense of creation and commitment. As the title indicates, the articles that make up this work highlight women of literature of different nationalities who divulge their visions of the world and are committed to exposing the condition of women and to fighting against the inequalities they face. is a victim. The committed writers and women who particularly attracted the attention of the contributors to the work are: Mme Roland, George Sand, Juliette Adam, Julia Daudet, Simone Téry, Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz, Simone Veil, Josette Rey-Debove, Fatema Mernissi, Leila Slimani, Laura Alcoba, Michèle Desbordes and Colette Fellous, Leïla Sebbar and Maïssa Bey, Leila Marouane, Clémentine Autain, Ana María Machado, Léonora Miano and Annie Ernaux among other writers. All these women expressed their courageous desire to change the postures and reductive thoughts towards women and opposed with one voice the silence, forgetfulness and violence which imprison women and hinder their emancipation.


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Author Biography

Assia Marfouq, Hassan First University of Settat, Morocco

Assia Marfouq is a lecturer in Language and Communication at the Institute of Sports Sciences of Hassan Premier University of Settat. She holds a Doctorate in French-speaking literature whose thesis has the following title: “Entrapment in North African and sub-Saharan literature: Comparative study” (defended in 2018). Assia Marfouq is director of the journal Réflexions Sportives (hosted by CNRST-Morocco) and a member of the Didactic Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Arts, Literature and Languages ​​Laboratory (LIDEALL). His research generally focuses on French-speaking literature and the teaching of specialized French.


MEDINA ARJONA, Encarnación; TARIFA FERNÁNDEZ, Adela (dirs.) (2023): Écrivaines engagées. Paris: l’Harmattan, coll. La perspectiva textual.

How to Cite
Marfouq, A. (2024). Femmes engagées, Encarnación Medina Arjona (dir.) et Adela Tarifa Fernández (dir.) Paris, l’Harmattan, coll. La perspectiva textual, 2023, 280 p. (ISBN : 978-2-14-048921-1). Estudios Románicos, 33. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/estudiosromanicos/article/view/587541