The three beasts of Dante in Pasolini. From the Divine Comedy to the Divine Mimesis


Keywords: Dante, Pasolini, Divine Mimesis, Comedy, Sociolinguistics, Beasts, Divina Mímesis, Divina Commedia, Divina Comedia, Fieras, Fiere


During the ideological crisis of the 1950s, through the studies of Gianfranco Contini and Antonio Gramsci, the Divine Comedy proposed itself as an authorial, existential and political model and as a multilingual model, to which Auerbach's concept of Mimesis was added from 1957. A concept already prophetically sensitive to the arrival of neo-capitalism in the 1960s, which coincided, not by chance, with the triumph of the neo-avant-garde and the Gruppo 63. An artistic witness to the agonizing struggle against this arrival is La Divina Mimesis, an unfinished remake of Dante's poem, in which Pier Paolo Pasolini depicts the crisis of his mimetic poetics in the encounter between his 1950s self and his 1960s self. The characterization of the three beasts constitutes a sociolinguistic framework in which the author-actor does not renounce allegorical dialectics, identifying, in each one of them (lion-illusion, lion-superbia, she-wolf-conformism), the evil he recognizes in himself and in reality.


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Author Biography

Cristina Coriasso Martín-Posadillo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

En la actualidad, en calidad de Ayudante Doctor, enseña Storia e Cultura italiana dei secoli XIXº e XXº en el Departamento de Estudios Románicos, Franceses, Italianos y de Traducción de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, universidad en la que se licenció en Filosofia (1996), obtuvo el  Magister en traducción (2007) y el Doctorato Europeo (2011) con “Premio Extraordinario” (2012) por su tesis Leopardi e l’idea di Natura. Menzione di merito en los Premi Leopardi di Dottorato 2005 (Recanati) por la tesina Símbolo y alegoría en la poética  Giacomo Leopardi. Ha traducido y editado el Discorso sopra i costumi di Giacomo Leopardi (Discurso sobre el estado presente de las costumbres de los italianos, (2013, Madrid: Pigmalión) e ha traducido y editado Estetica. Teoria della formatività, del filósofo Luigi Pareyson (Estética. Teoría de la Formatividad, (2014, Madrid: Xorki). Desde 2015 dirige el Seminario Permanente de Estudios Leopardianos (Seminario La Ginestra).


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How to Cite
Coriasso Martín-Posadillo, C. (2022). The three beasts of Dante in Pasolini. From the Divine Comedy to the Divine Mimesis. Estudios Románicos, 31.