Bove in the maze. A reading of Le Piège


Keywords: Emmanuel Bove, Occupation, Labyrinth, Trap, Narrative, Hero


The rediscovery of Emmanuel Bove from the 1980s onwards drew attention above all to his early works, notably Mes amis. However, the novels published after the war, far from the subjects dear to the author, remain less famous. The reading of The Trap is used to show that, without abandoning his style and his way of looking at the world and describing it, Bove succeeds in immersing us into the dark universe of the Occupation. We thus witness the failure of the Bove anti-hero who for once is acting yet setting himself too ambitious a goal, and while trying to defeat the occupying monster he perishes in the occupied France labyrinth. Moreover, the labyrinth as a formal structure becomes a recurring element in the novel.


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Author Biography

Azucena Macho Vargas, Universidad de Zaragoza

Doctora en Filología Francesa por la Universidad de Valladolid y profesora titular de Filología Francesa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Realizó su tesis doctoral sobre Albert Cohen. Su investigación se centra sobre todo en la novela francesa del periodo de entreguerras y también se ha interesado en algunos autores francófonos, como el propio Cohen o Albert Memmi.


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How to Cite
Macho Vargas, A. (2020). Bove in the maze. A reading of Le Piège. Estudios Románicos, 29.