From the marea granate to the gilets jaunes: chromatic phraseological humanyms


Keywords: Phraseology, Chromatism, Humanym, Idiom, Compound


In this paper we propose a study of Spanish and French phraseological units denominating human entities (humanyms) whose structure follows this pattern: Noun + Chromatic Adjective: gilet jaune, casques bleus, camisas azules, marea granate. Considering the theories about phraseological meaning explicative model, proposed by L. Timofeeva (2008, 2012), and basing our analysis on the iconic models formulated by E. M. Iñesta and A. Pamies (2002), we propose a series of criteria that will permit to distinguish between nominal phraseological units used to qualify humans (idioms) and those that, on the contrary, create stable classes of referents (phraseological compounds). We will also analyze the role played by chromatic adjectives as a vector to carry the ethnocultural and idiosyncratic trace of the community of speakers that have created all these phraseological humanyms.


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Author Biography

Cristian Díaz Rodríguez, Universidad de Estrasburgo

Cristian Díaz Rodríguez es doctor en Ciencias del Lenguaje-Estudios Filológicos por las Universidades de Estrasburgo y La Laguna. Actualmente trabaja como Profesor Ayudante Doctor en el Departamento de Lenguas Aplicadas de la Facultad de Lenguas de la Universidad de Estrasburgo. Su investigación se centra en el ámbito de la fraseología, teórica y aplicada, en la fraseografía bilingüe, la fraseodidáctica y la traducción.


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How to Cite
Díaz Rodríguez, C. (2019). From the marea granate to the gilets jaunes: chromatic phraseological humanyms. Estudios Románicos, 28, 179–190.