French epistolary novel in the Enlightenment


Keywords: Eighteenth century, Epistolary novel, Information, Feeling, Existence, France


The eighteenth century is considered as the golden age of epistolary art. If we analyze the historical and social value of letters, we will notice that epistolary change soon becomes one of the principal ways of communication and of providing information. The most relevant merit, which is attributed to the epistolary novel, is the immediate reproduction that touches feelings. So, the epistolary novel removes the temporal distance existing between the personal history and its written reproduction. The most famous writers of the time (like Montesquieu) and libertine writers (Laclos and Sade particularly) have employed the epistolary novel showing several intentions.    


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Author Biography

Luisa Messina, Université de Palerme

Docteur ès lettres depuis 2015, Luisa Messina a analysé les écrits libertins de François-Antoine Chevrier (1721-1762) à travers l’interaction entre l’auteur lorrain et le genre libertin du dix-huitième siècle. Elle a travaillé à l’Université de Palerme de 2012 à 2014 dans le département de littérature française. En 2016 elle a réussi le concours national italien pour l’enseignement secondaire de langue et de littérature françaises.

            Elle a participé à plusieurs colloques internationaux et publié une quarantaine d’articles.


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How to Cite
Messina, L. (2019). French epistolary novel in the Enlightenment. Estudios Románicos, 28, 89–98.