The use of German language and Latin language in Germany at the time of the renaissance Humanism


  • Juan Luis Monreal Pérez Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Renaissance humanism, German Renaissance humanism, German language, Latin language


During the Renaissance humanism in Germany there existed an outstand- ing linguistic diversity that contributed to its linguistic cultural heritage, even though that the hegemonic use of the Latin language at schools, at the universities, in the political life and at every institution in general, reduced the use of the German language. This situation explains that Latin was the linguistic instrument used by German humanists, since the own concept of humanism includes such adoption; however, not all German humanists used that language exclusively, some of them employed simultaneously both languages, German and Latin, what favored the richness and linguistic diversity of Germany at this time. 


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Author Biography

Juan Luis Monreal Pérez, Universidad de Murcia

Juan Luis Monreal Pérez es Profesor Asociado en el Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Murcia. Es Licenciado en Filología Alemana por la Universidad de Salamanca y en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad de Alicante. Es Doctor por la Universidad de Murcia. 


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How to Cite
Monreal Pérez, J. L. (2017). The use of German language and Latin language in Germany at the time of the renaissance Humanism. Estudios Románicos, 26, 195–212. Retrieved from