The Role of the fiction in representing the notebook in Monsieur Songe of Robert Pinget
In this article, we try to analyze the mission of the fiction in representing the notebook in Monsieur Songe of Robert Pinget. This text poses many questions about its generic identity and very fragmentary narrative structure. Our study will be limited to the analysis of the role of the fiction in the representation of the notebook in this text of Pinget. We will be interested to examine the structure of this text that is made up of bits of speech and reflections emitted by a character that plays the role of an observer of daily reality. We will also endeavour to study the generic question which is connected to two kinds of generic identities: the novel and the notebook.
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Paris : Seuil.
DÄLLENBACH, Lucien (1977) : Le récit spéculaire: Essai sur la mise en abyme. Paris:Seuil.
GENETTE, Gérard (2004) : Fiction et diction ; précédé
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