"Viva" (2014): a geographically Novel by Patrick Deville


  • Isabelle Bernard University of Jordan
Keywords: Contemporary French Novel, Travel books, Geocriticism, Mexico


This paper presents a Novel published in 2014 by the French author Patrick Deville entitled Viva. It studies the contemporary work written new and scholar, both geographical and historical, in three stages: the first shows the singularities of this travel story; these condexamines the singular vision (both intertextual and interdisciplinary) of Mexican’s landscapes; the third explains with help of geocriticism theorythis new art of fictionalize space.


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Author Biography

Isabelle Bernard, University of Jordan

Profesora adjunta de literatura francesa en la Universidad de Jordania.

Línea de investigación: novela francesa contemporánea.


How to Cite
Bernard, I. (2015). "Viva" (2014): a geographically Novel by Patrick Deville. Estudios Románicos, 24, 87–99. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/estudiosromanicos/article/view/245331