Góngora in Spanish Romantic Poetry


  • José Servera Baño Universidad de las Islas Baleares
Keywords: Góngora’s influence, Romantic poets, Imitations.


Literary criticism has generally ignored Góngora’s influence on Romantic poets. They have only pointed at Góngora’s Conceptist footprint, and they have forgotten about the “culterano” one. Thus, Don Luis’ poetry, of great modernity, was postponed until Modernism emerged. Nevertheless, we can already find numerous “motifs” and imitations of Góngora in romantics.


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Author Biography

José Servera Baño, Universidad de las Islas Baleares

Catedrático de Literatura Española de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.

Líneas de investigación: 1) La presencia de los clásicos españoles en la literatura española contemporánea. 2) Literatura española del siglo XIX. 3) Ramón del Valle-Inclán.

How to Cite
Servera Baño, J. (2014). Góngora in Spanish Romantic Poetry. Estudios Románicos, 23, 187–199. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/estudiosromanicos/article/view/220551