Looking to an ivorienne linguistic form from the structure «...n’a qu’à + infinitif”: a restrictive ora modal value


  • Koffi Paul Konan Université de FELIX Houphouet Boigny de Cocody. Abidjan
Keywords: restriction, restrictive construction, situation of enunciation


The grammatical norm uses the adverbial locution “ne…que” to restrict the meaning of a verb to its completive element. the usage of the restrictive form belongs to formal speech. However, its form “n’a…qu’à” followed by an infinitive is subject to informal usage by ivorians, who change its meaning to go for expressive modalities like the interrogation, the exclamation and the imperative, according to the situation of enun-ciation envisaged.


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Author Biography

Koffi Paul Konan, Université de FELIX Houphouet Boigny de Cocody. Abidjan

Maître- Assistant, professeur de grammaire et linguistique du français
How to Cite
Konan, K. P. (2013). Looking to an ivorienne linguistic form from the structure «.n’a qu’à + infinitif”: a restrictive ora modal value. Estudios Románicos, 22, 43–52. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/estudiosromanicos/article/view/192671