The thief of shadows: a hymn to love and friendship


  • Amara Coulibaly Université de Bouake en Côte d’Ivoire.
Keywords: Love, friendship, solidarity, conversation, peace, new humanism


This study entitled “a hymn to love and friendship” from the novel by Marc Levy, Le Voleur d’ombres, has two main objectives: first, analyze the typology of love from his Greek classification, then highlight the value of friendship because our world needs more of solidarity seen disasters and the lack of conversation. Term, the analysis re-lied on the greek concepts of the storgê to philia in passing through the Eros to construct a universe of friendship and peace, but especially to teach a new humanism. Friendship must overcome it so be the reasons.


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Author Biography

Amara Coulibaly, Université de Bouake en Côte d’Ivoire.

Maître-assistant,  Enseignant-Chercheur  au  Département  de  Lettres  Modernes  de l’Université de Bouake en Côte d’Ivoire.
How to Cite
Coulibaly, A. (2013). The thief of shadows: a hymn to love and friendship. Estudios Románicos, 22, 17–27. Retrieved from