La nécessité de la non-conformité narrative et générique pour représenter l’indicible dans Si c’est un homme de Primo Levi


  • Shereen Kakish


This article studies the fragmented narrative and the ambiguity of the generic system of Primo Levi’s novel: Si c’est un homme. The narrative and the generic structure of this novel create new ways in order to represent the inexpressible. For Levi, Auschwitz re- presents at the same time chaos and order, as much linguistically as on the narrative structure of the text. Also, on the plan of the writing, a too perfect and classical language contradicts an essential principle for Levi: «the necessity of an imperfectionate writing», that is to say of nonconformity on narrative and generic plan. To such a point that the writing and the disordered structure of Levi’s work constitutes a perspective to attain the untouchable and finally to confront the reality of the concentration camps. In effect, Levi is persuaded of the force of the imperfectionate writing of representing the inexpressible. Besides, the structure of Si c’est un homme, the nonconformity of its type and of its style encourage the reader to imagine the real situation of the transported convicts.


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How to Cite
Kakish, S. (2011). La nécessité de la non-conformité narrative et générique pour représenter l’indicible dans Si c’est un homme de Primo Levi. Estudios Románicos, 20, 117–126. Retrieved from