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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The paper informs on whether the data of origin of the research take into account sex, in order to allow the identification of possible differences.

Author Guidelines


The articles should have a maximum extension of 8000 words (including summaries and bibliographic references) and they should be handed in the following formats: DOC, DOCX or RTF, in Times New Roman font, single-spaced. The use of unusual typefaces should be limited as much as possible. Italics will be used for expressions that don’t belong to the original language of the text. As an example, if the text is in Spanish, we will use italics to write quattocento or qui pro quo. Pages should not be numbered. Only footnotes should be used in order to clarify or amplify ideas or concepts.

Title and subtitle

The title should be written in bold, centered, 14 points. The subtitle will be its translation to English in parentheses (centered, 12 points and each word should begin with capital letters, except for prepositions and conjunctions. For example: Renaissance Poets. A New Study).


De nuevo sobre la intensificación pragmática: revisión y propuesta
(Revisiting Pragmatic Intensification: Revision and Definition Proposal)

The name of the author/s. Work center

Two lines below the English subtitle should be the name of the author-authors and their place of work (12 points, central alignment). As a footnote, next to the author's name and with an asterisk, the *Correspondence address (bold, 10 points). To introduce asterisk: a) for Word 2007: References > footnotes dialog box > personal brand: introducing the asterisk; b) in previous versions of Word: Insert > Footnote > personal mark: asterisk). Both mailing and e-mail addresses must be provided, and the postal address must indicated if the country is not Spain:


De nuevo sobre la intensificación pragmática: revisión y propuesta
(Revisiting Pragmatic Intensification: Revision and Definition Proposal)



Gloria Ríos Guardiola*

Universidad de Murcia

* Correspondence address: Gloria Ríos Guardiola. Departamento de Filología Francesa, Románica, Italiana y Árabe. Facultad de Letras. Universidad de Murcia. Campus La Merced. 30001 Murcia (gloriarg@um.es)

In case there are two authors, a new footnote will open, introduced by two asterisks after the name of the second one.

Those articles willing to indicate that they are linked to a research project, should open a footnote introduced by an asterisk at the end of the English title, after the parenthesis. In these cases, the correspondence address will have to appear in the footnote introduced by two asterisks. 


The main topic of the author’s paper should be followed by its abstract in English (100-150 words), written three lines below.  Then, a maximum of five key words also in English (Times New Roman, 12 points, single-spaced). Afterwards, leaving a space of one line between each one of them, the translation should be included, as well as the key words, in Spanish or in the Romance language used in the work. The words Abstract / Keywords / Résumé / Mots Clés / Resumen / Palabras clave... should appear in bold, Times New Roman, 12 points, single-spaced and without indentation. The keywords should be separated by commas, the first one capitalized and not followed by a point. For example:

(Romance language: Spanish)

Abstract: A systematized analysis...

Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5

Resumen: Un análisis sistematizado…

Palabras clave: palabra clave 1, palabra clave 2, palabra clave 3, palabra clave 4

Body of the text

Three lines below will begin the body of the paper (Times New Roman, 12 point, single spacing). Each new paragraph should begin with an indent (Word standard 1.25 cm).

Tabulations and indentations should be made with the corresponding keys, never with the space bar.

If needed, the body of the text can be Split into two sections, that should be numbered starting by 1 (followed by a period and a space); any subsections will also be numbered in the same way and in bold, separated by a blank line at the bottom and at the top.

For example:

  1. Introduction
  2. Thesis development


Both sections and subsections should be aligned to the left (without tabulation or indentation) and in bold.

Footnotes should be made using the corresponding command in the word processor (in Word: References/insert footnote or Insert > Footnote) and without indentation. Footnotes should always be placed next to the word, before the punctuation mark.


In the end of the text, we should find the a list of the works mentioned in the work exclusively (and not a general bibliographic list on the subject treated). This list should be labeled REFERENCES and will also be in Times, size 12. The references should appear in alphabetical order beginning with the surname, and each one of them will be formatted with "French indentation" (premeditated option in 1.25 cm.). See below for specific rules for bibliographic citations.

Finally, at the end of the text, after the references, the author must include a brief description of his/her academic-professional profile (maximum 300 words). The editorial team will be in charge of sending it for evaluation without such data, guaranteeing an anonymous review.

Bibliography and citations

The format used for bibliographic citations is APA 7: (Surname(s), year, p. number of page/s). As an example: (Gutiérrez, 2012, p. 234). If we want to reference many pages of the same text: (Gutiérrez, 2012, pp. 234-237). Abbreviations such as Ibid. or similar won’t be admitted.

In case the work has two authors it’s necessary to write “and” (“y” in Spanish) between them. For example: (Gutiérrez y Ríos, 2019, p. 120). In case of several references in the same citation, they should be separated by a semicolon. Ex: (Gutiérrez y Ríos, 2019; López, 2020)

The footnotes will exclusively be used for necessary changes or comments on the mentioned text.

Short quotations inserted in the text (less than 40 words) should be enclosed in quotation marks, without italics. Omissions within quotations should be indicated by three dots in square brackets: [...].

Quotations longer than 40 words should be taken out of the text, without quotation marks, indented 1.5 cm to the left throughout the paragraph, in 11-point font. The paragraph format will have single spacing (as in the whole paper) and a leading and trailing spacing of one line.

Word abbreviations should be avoided, as far as possible, only if the text requires it, because of its rhythm, density or for economy and efficiency of language. Example: ms. for manuscript.

The title REFERENCES should appear in capital letters, bold, left alignment, size 12 points.

References included in this article should be written in the same 12-point font size and should follow APA 7 standards.

  1. Authors

If the paper corresponds to two different authors, their names should be separated by “and” (“y” in Spanish): Gutiérrez, P. y Ríos, S.

If there’s three or more authors, we should add “ et al.”: Gutiérrez, P. et al.

  1. Monographs

Surname/s, Initial of name. (Year). Title. Publisher.


Moirand, S. (2015). Enseigner à communiquer en langue étrangère. Hachette.

  1. Books coordinated by one editor

For books that have been coordinated by one editor, but have different authors responsible for each chapter of the work:


Surname, A. (Ed.). (Year). Title in italics. Publisher. URL (optional)




Molina Natera, V. (Ed.). (2015). Panorama de los centros y programas de escritura en Latinoamérica. Sello Editorial Javeriano. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvt6rnd6.27

  1. Book chapters or papers in conference proceedings

Surname/s, Initial of the name. (Year). Title of the chapter. In A.A. Surname. (Ed.). Book title.  (pp. #-#). Publisher.


Lévy, B. (2006). Geografía y literatura. In D. Hiernaux and A. Lindón (Ed.). Tratado de Geografía Humana. (pp. 460-480). Anthropos.

  1. Scientific articles

Surname/s, Initial of the name. (Year). Title of the chapter. Name of the journal in intalics, cursiva, volume in italics (number if any), pp-pp. URL


Baquero Escudero, A. L. (2020). La técnica epistolar en la tercera serie de los episodios nacionales. Estudios Románicos, 29, 79-91. https://revistas.um.es/estudiosromanicos/article/view/417271/293471

In case a paper has a DOI, this reference will be used instead of the URL.

For references in other formats, see APA guidelines 7:

American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

American Psychological Association. (2019). Style and Grammar Guidelines. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammarguidelines/index

American Psychological Association. (May 19, 2020). What’s new in the seventh edition. Publication Manual. APA Style. https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/whats-new-7e

Centro de Escritura Javeriano. (2020). Normas APA, septima edición. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, seccional Cali. https://www2.javerianacali.edu.co/centro-escritura/recursos/manual-de-normas-apa-septima-edicion#gsc.tab=0%C2%A0



The title of the work should appear in italics at the top. Below, the name of the author of the book, place, publisher, year, and number of pages (all of them separated by periods). Underneath, the ISBN in parentheses. Then, two lines below, the name of the author of the review and his or her institution of affiliation. All centered and in Times New Roman, 12.

In the name of the author of the review, a footnote with an asterisk should be added to indicate the address for correspondence, both postal and electronic (the latter in parentheses).


Carmen Conde, desde su edén

Francisco Javier Diez de Revenga

Real Academia Alfonso X el Sabio. 2020. 120 p.

(ISBN: 978-84-121054-8-3)


Carmen María Pujante Segura*

Universidad de Murcia

If bibliographic references appear in the review, they should follow the same rules as for articles, APA 7.

The maximum extension of a review is five pages.


As part of the submission process, it is necessary the authors check that their submission meets all the guidelines shown below. Those papers, which do not meet these guidelines, will be returned:

  1. The submission has not been previously published or previously submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). Once the work has been submitted, an affidavit will be requested.
  2. The sent file must be in Word or RTF format.
  3. Web addresses have been added for the references where possible.
  4. The text complies with the editing standards that can be found in About the journal.
  5. Bibliographic references have been entered in the Citations (“Citas”) area, under the Publication (“Publicación”) tab.
  6. A brief description of your academic-professional profile must be included at the end of the text submitted. The editorial team will be in charge of sending it for evaluation without such data, guaranteeing an anonymous review.

Additionally, the data related to the author(s) must be included in the Contributors (“Colaboradores/as”) section of the submission, in the Publication tab. Enter all their data, as well as a biographical summary of their academic-professional profile. The ORCID must also be included. In case of not having it, it can be requested on the website https://orcid.org.

        7. If there are several authors, they should fill in a declaration of personal contribution to the article, which will be sent to them upon receipt of the paper.

Introducción al monográfico

Esta sección alberga únicamente la introducción realizada por el/la/los/las coordinador/a/es/as del monográfico.


Esta sección está destinada a albergar colaboraciones que no han seguido el proceso de evaluación por pares ciegos.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.