Pedagogical and organizational implications of an alternative education project for pre-primary school education in Spain
Nowadays the institution of the School is being questioned by some critical sectors of society who, by drawing on the explanatory framework put forward by the so-called deschooling theories, are able to organize themselves and create citizen networks in order to provide privately for the education of their children within specific organizational and pedagogical models. The purpose of this case study is to identify the organizational model (defined by its mission, vision and values) used in an alternative education project for pre-primary school education with the aim of reflecting on its pedagogical and organizational implications. We conclude by pointing out that there exists an excessive amount of confidence in the context’s educational potential based on the interests and motivations of the learners. In addition, the capacity for pedagogical and organizational innovation of the State education system is underestimated. There is, furthermore, a need to establish mechanisms capable of improving participation. Finally, the claim, perhaps unrealistic, of maintaining a certain ideological neutrality in the project is also observed.
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