The Training and the Assessment of University Lecturers in the EEES


  • Juana María Madrid Izquierdo
Keywords: European Space for Higher Education, Teacher Training, Educational evaluation Teaching staff, ANECA, Evaluation of the Plan of Educational Formation.


The creation of the European Space of Superior Education needs that the university teaching staff has a suitable educational formation. The administrative and academic people in charge of the university must plan and fi nance that formation. Also, it is necessary that the university values and stimulates good teaching (in the same way that it already comes it doing with the investigating merits of the teaching staff). For it it is necessary an evaluation of the formation and an educational evaluation of the teaching staff.


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How to Cite
Madrid Izquierdo, J. M. (2005). The Training and the Assessment of University Lecturers in the EEES. Educatio Siglo XXI, 23, 19–68. Retrieved from