Values Transmitted since Childhood and Learning Results in First Year Primary Education Degree Students


  • Laura Raquel Morillas Pedreño
  • Mari Paz García Sanz
Keywords: Family, values, education, childhood, capacity, school.


The fast transformation that society has experienced in recent years has had a direct effect on the concept of family and the values that are transmitted from it. People talk about ‘crisis in the family’ when what actually happens is that we found ourselves before different developing forms and patterns from it.
Without falling into the audacity of showing which are the best values that parents should teach their children, we have attempted to know the structure of values transmitted by the families of children who attend the first course of primary level of education in an early childhood and primary education school in Murcia, as well as to know the results of learning from them. To this end, it has been used an extensive questionnaire addressed to fathers and mothers of these pupils which includes 80 items distributed in 10 dimensions and a semi-structured interview addressed to the three course tutors of courses. In general, all the dimensions in the questionnaire have been highly valued by the families who have answered it, what shows that the type of values dealt with in the applied instrumentis transmitted correctly by the families of the children who have made up the sample of investigation.


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How to Cite
Morillas Pedreño, L. R., & García Sanz, M. P. (2009). Values Transmitted since Childhood and Learning Results in First Year Primary Education Degree Students. Educatio Siglo XXI, 27(2), 233–268. Retrieved from