Mathematics anxiety and academic engagement in high school students in México
The mathematics learning process is influenced by several variables that influence the optimal development of knowledge and positive attitudes towards mathematics in students; therefore, the study of these variables is of great interest. In this framework, the objective of the present study is to identify the level of mathematics anxiety of high school students in Mexico and their academic engagement in mathematics. A quantitative methodology of exploratory-descriptive scope was followed. Two Likert-type rating scales were used to obtain information on these variables. A total of 120 students from public and private institutions in the state of Puebla in Mexico participated. The results reveal that most of the students have moderate mathematical anxiety; however, anxiety is higher in situations of evaluation of their mathematical knowledge. A high level of academic engagement was found, evidencing a greater desire to make an effort in their studies, high levels of energy and persistence while studying and being proud and motivated with their learning process in mathematics. It is concluded that, although only a high level of mathematical anxiety is evidenced in a few students, it is necessary to deepen in knowing how this level influences their academic performance and engagement in mathematics. Likewise, the influence of the teacher, his strategies and teaching methodologies in promoting a high level of academic engagement in students is highlighted.
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