Digital technologies and learning ecologies: challenges and opportunities


  • Francisco-José Santos-Caamaño Universidade da Coruña, Spain
  • María-José Vázquez-Cancelo Universidade da Coruña, Spain
  • Eduardo-Rafael Rodríguez-Machado Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Keywords: learning ecologies, lifelong learning, ICT, Delphi method


Currently technology has become a primary factor in the various contexts of human learning, that depend, in a large extend, on the proper use of ICT. The ecological theory of learning considers the technological factor as a particularly relevant component of learning contexts. In addition, digital technologies are driving the development of new learning opportunities that transcend temporal and geographical borders and favor systems that break the confinement of formal training structures, giving way to flexible, expanded and diverse environments that generate informal learning mechanisms. From this perspective and with a view to the construction of such contexts, it seems convenient to have a paradigmatic frame of reference of the opportunities that ICTs can present. To identify this list of technological affordances, we have proceed through the Delphi method, in whose development various national and international experts have collaborated. The analysis of results confirms the prominent role of ICT in modern learning contexts and their operation in close relationship with the other components that comprise them. Their affordances for improving learning can be highlighted, such as, among others, the facilitation of various communication tools, access and exchange of information, their potential for creating links between people and communities, and the transformation of educational roles. In this sense, and always on the basis of the analysis of the specific configuration of each context in question, its elements and interrelations, a general framework of technological affordances can be used to serve as a guide for the development of an authentic learning ecology.


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How to Cite
Santos-Caamaño, F.-J., Vázquez-Cancelo, M.-J., & Rodríguez-Machado, E.-R. (2021). Digital technologies and learning ecologies: challenges and opportunities. Educatio Siglo XXI, 39(2), 19–40.