Biodiversity in the initial training of Primary Education teachers: analyses of didactic initiatives


Keywords: Biodiversity, primary education, initial training, teachers


One of the consequences of the current global environmental crisis is the loss of biodiversity. For decades human beings have been aware, thanks to numerous scientific investigations, of the impact of our activity on living systems. For this reason, with the aim of knowing the knowledge about biodiversity and analyzing how this topic can be transferred to Primary classrooms, we present a didactic experience carried out with future Primary. This study was carried out within Talleres de la Naturaleza, a subject framed in the 4th year of the Degree in Primary Education at the University of Murcia, during the academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. Twenty didactic proposals were analyzed qualitatively with QDA Miner 5 Lite Version in relation to pre-established didactic, curricular and scientific criteria. The proposals analyzed reveal a predisposition to work with the 3rd year of Primary, with an average duration of 3 sessions and 3 activities per session. Besides, proposals evidence a very descriptive vision of biodiversity which is not dynamic. In the analysis of the proposals, we detected errors originating from a lack of knowledge of the surrounding environment and little or no understanding of the values of local or regional biodiversity. This deficit in scientific knowledge may lead future teachers to have a deficit in didactic knowledge.


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How to Cite
Fernández Díaz, M., Ayuso Fernández, G. E., & Robles Moral, F. J. (2022). Biodiversity in the initial training of Primary Education teachers: analyses of didactic initiatives. Educatio Siglo XXI, 40(2), 71–92.