The reception of John Dewey ́s in experiential pedagogy in some methodological approaches: The added value of service learning
John Dewey is the most representative personality in American Pedagogy. Whether his contributions to the field are endless, “Pragmatism” stands out as a especially relevant one. The reading of his work is an inexhaustible source of ideas and proposals that deserve to be explored. Dewey’s Experiential Pedagogy has left a mark on various educational proposals that have being developed in the last century in our universities: problem-based learning, challenge-based learning, etc. This demonstrates the current validity of Dewey’s approach.
The work presented here is a review of the theories that somehow influenced the thinking of Dewey. We explore the projection this author and his ideas have had in Europe and Latin America. We also cover some of the previously-mentioned educational proposals which, no doubt, articulate a number of substantial elements of Experiential Pedagogy, more specifically, the principles of continuity and interaction and the social impact of all experience, among others. Regarding this last idea, we will highlight Service-Learning as a proposal of particular importance in the development of values and prosocial behavior.
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