Digital textuality practices of high school students when taking notes on Online Dictionaries in the language media library


Keywords: Digital textuality; internet; dictionaries; notes; multimedia; modality.


INTRODUCTION. This paper reports on the digital practices of 18 high school students’ when taking notes with the text processor Word about the characteristics of on-line dictionaries—Spanish and English monolingual dictionaries and English-Spanish and Spanish-English  bilingual dictionaries. The students explored the dictionaries and, in order to get familiar with them, they worked with the English verb get. The approach implemented refers to literacy in digital textuality. METHOD. The study contemplates the identification of multimedia resources and textual modalities in the dictionaries and the description of digital writing in the notes. Classification and textual analysis involves the informativity criteria identified in the dictionaries: language use, digital searches, textual designs, intertextuality sources, coherence and interactivity, as well as digital cohesion in descriptive and expositive writing, intertextuality by means of images, hyperlinks and lexical and graphic references. RESULTS. The notes show a predominant use of practical tools in the dictionaries in comparison to coherence and interactivity. They also evidence difficulties to integrate expositive and descriptive writing with digital modalities of intertextuality, hypertextuality and referentiality. DISCUSSION. Consideration and identification of various aspects of textuality in dictionaries show various degrees of intentionality and performance through digital and multimodal resources. However, teaching and practice support is necessary to fully appreciate the information, as well as the digital writing in notes.


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How to Cite
Hernández Rodríguez, E. (2020). Digital textuality practices of high school students when taking notes on Online Dictionaries in the language media library. Educatio Siglo XXI, 38(3 Nov-Feb), 201–230.