Evaluation of the influence of the family factor on the mountain range in the Region of Murcia
The present study is linked to the family factor on the assumption that from childhood children are subjected to a series of variables implicit in their family environment. Thus, the relationships between family members, the cultural environment, the type of educational style offered by the parental subsystem, etc., can condition the level of academic training achieved by people. With the purpose of knowing how the family factor influences the academic training of children in the Southern Cordillera of the Region of Murcia, the existing climate in families is analyzed and the elements of the family home climate are contrasted according to their academic training. The sample of the study included 278 people and an ad hoc questionnaire was used to gather data. Statistically significant differences are found between people who have higher degrees and those who have completed basic education, in most cases. The conclusions drawn reflect that family relationships are within normality, as well as the degree of affection, communication and academic expectations shown by the parental subsystem towards their peers, although they consider the actions to provide help with school tasks at home are insufficient, as well as their initiatives to foster family leisure activities.
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