Ludic and creative grammar. An experience to make grammatical contents in Primary Education more accessible


Keywords: Creativity, grammar, teaching, playful, language


Teaching language and literature should be a ludic and sensorial experience for students, especially when it comes to developing curricular content targeting students’ own reflection about their language and grammar. Data were obtained through the completion of creative and playful activities about language, developed first with 18 students of Education Degree in Soria (University of Valladolid) and, later, with 274 students from six Primary schools where university students developed their curricular practices. The experience consisted of the design and conduction, under school tutors’ supervision, of creative games which targeted three linguistic levels: letters, words and texts. More specifically, the objectives included: to awake learners’ curiosity and critical thinking; to promote reflection on the linguistic code for improving oral and written expression; and to facilitate the assimilation of several grammatical contents freely, autonomously and cooperatively. Since these activities were presented as games, they were applied with the same performance levels at university and at primary school settings. Mistakes were considered opportunities for creativity. The results obtained confirm the value of teaching grammar in a playful and creative way. Most of the Primary students improved their results in terms of effort, linguistic correction and reading aloud. University students highlighted the importance of including recreational resources in teaching and learning processes as this had a positive effect on primary school learners’ affective attitude. The results obtained reinforce the importance of suggestion-pedagogy as a method in language teaching. This work exposed an experience with 18 university students from Education Degree in Soria (University of Valladolid) who have been involved as part of their own university training and later they have applied this experience to 274 students from six schools of the city, during its curricular practices. This experience consisted, under the supervision of their tutors in Schools, in several activities applied as creative games with three linguistic levels: letters, words and texts, with the aim of awakening curiosity and critical sense, promoting reflection on the linguistic code and improve oral and written expression, while assimilating various grammatical contents freely, autonomously and cooperatively. When activities are presented as games, they could be applied with equal performance in various educational stages. In its realization, error was seen as a creative opportunity (Rodari, 2008). The results confirm the value of this methodology, while highlighting the help it can offer to teachers for the treatment of academic content that, with more traditional approaches, presents more assimilation difficulties among students, due to its limited ability to motivate him and arouse his interest, but necessary to develop linguistic and communicative competence.


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How to Cite
Suárez Ramírez, S., Español, & Español. (2021). Ludic and creative grammar. An experience to make grammatical contents in Primary Education more accessible. Educatio Siglo XXI, 39(3), 187–208.