Secondary School Teachers’ Learning Geographies and Histories. Intersections, Transits and Areas of Not Knowing


  • Alejandra Bosco Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • Cristina Alonso Cano Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
  • Raquel Miño Puigcercós Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Learning cartography; narrative research; teachers’ thinking; visual methods.


This article shows part of the processes and results of a research project that explores what, how, with what and where secondary school teachers learn inside and outside their schools. After locating the ontoepistemological perspective in which the study is situated and the advances to be achieved, we briefly refer to the methodological approach and to the participants in the piece of research. Next, we focus on eight teachers who work in one of the
three secondary school that have collaborated in the study. To do this, we situate the context and the processes involved in the configuration of the teachers’ learning geographies and histories. To this end, the process of analysis employed is problematized and the scenarios in which teachers learn are identified, as are the transitions between scenarios and the notions of learning that emerge in their learning geographies and histories. Finally, we refer to the contributions that these practices of narrative research can make to educational research and the professional development of teachers.



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How to Cite
Bosco, A., Alonso Cano, C., & Miño Puigcercós, R. (2019). Secondary School Teachers’ Learning Geographies and Histories. Intersections, Transits and Areas of Not Knowing. Educatio Siglo XXI, 37(2 Jul-Oct), 67–92.