The use of television at home and at the Primary School


  • Loida M. López-Mondéjar Universidad Católica de Murcia
Keywords: Mass media, television, media education, primary school.


This article presents the results obtained in
a research carried out with pupils of Pri-
mary School regarding their television con-
sumption both at home and at school. The
study was developed in different schools
of the Region of Murcia (in Spain) with pu-
pils (N = 320) between 9 and 10 years of
age and it is framed within a descriptive
research where a survey method was used.
The results show that television continues
to be one of the most used media by pu-
pils of Primary School at home. In fact, it is
highlighted as the second most desired ac-
tivity after ‘playing with friends’. The data
also revealed a generalized tendency: the
scarce use of television in the classroom
by the teachers for the development of the
curricular contents, as well as the lack of
analysis of the watched materials together
with the students. Since television is one
of the most used media by children, its li-
mited use in the classroom evidences the
great separation existing between school
and society and, therefore, the absurdity
that children live in relation to both their
activities outside the classroom and the
educational models and teaching-learning
processes developed at school.


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How to Cite
López-Mondéjar, L. M. (2018). The use of television at home and at the Primary School. Educatio Siglo XXI, 36(1 Mar-Jun), 195–214.