Rural Education and the Acquisition of Occupational Skills: An Innovative Experience through the Use of Digital Resources


  • Efrén Salgado Vivas Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
  • María Manuela Pintor Chávez Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
  • Marcela Georgina Gómez Zermeño Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Keywords: Occupational qualifications, Technical education, Agricultural education, Secondary school students, teenager.


This article reports on a study conducted
in rural areas in order to understand the
perceptions of the participants on the
implementation of two technological
resources in educational institutions for
skills development in the agricultural sector:
Social Networks and Digital Library.
The research was carried out by applying
the mixed method in a parallel convergent
design, using three instruments: characterization
survey, focus group interview,
and satisfaction survey. The experiment
was undertaken in three institutions located
in the Department of Cundinamarca,
Colombia and 63 students between 14
and 17 years of age from 10th grade participated.
The results allowed to establish
three criteria which influence innovation

processes when technological tools are
used. The first criterion relates to labor
skills which generate opportunities, roots
and sense of belonging of students regarding
their regions and location as well as
better quality of life. The second criterion
was established with respect to how
elicit student interaction—the topics used
should be relevant to students. The third
criterion relates to the improvement of the
technological means, since connectivity
shortcomings limit the use of technological
resources. The study concludes that
it is necessary to adapt the educational
process to the conditions and context of


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How to Cite
Salgado Vivas, E., Pintor Chávez, M. M., & Gómez Zermeño, M. G. (2017). Rural Education and the Acquisition of Occupational Skills: An Innovative Experience through the Use of Digital Resources. Educatio Siglo XXI, 35(1 Mar-Jun), 33–54.