Orality: proposals in the LOGSE and the LOE for its teaching in the current curriculum for compulsory secondary education


  • Ginés Lozano Jaén
  • Lucía Valero Cifuentes
Keywords: Common European Framework of References for Languages, PISA, DeSeCo, Oral language, concepts of orality, LOGSE and LOE comparison, communicative approach.


The following article considers the need of encouraging the interest in the use of oral language between students, which has been forgotten for decades. The Common European Framework of References for Languages, the PISA report and the DeSeCo project ask for a change in the teaching and learning of the oral language. The step forward in this field can be checked by comparing the contents in the LOGSE and the LOE, which develop this ability so as to allow students to learn the language in every possible aspect. Without the communicative approach, it would have been impossible for oral language to acquire its current importance.



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How to Cite
Lozano Jaén, G., & Valero Cifuentes, L. (2013). Orality: proposals in the LOGSE and the LOE for its teaching in the current curriculum for compulsory secondary education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(2), 171–190. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/187151