Teaching, learning and assessment in the Degree in Primary Education


  • Rosa Nortes Martínez-Artero
  • Andrés Nortes Checa
Keywords: Teaching, learning, assessment, competencies.


In order to know the relationship between teaching, learning and assessment in the Primary Teacher Degree subjects, a survey was carried out with this Degree 2nd year students. They were asked to give a numerical mark to the Teaching Level (TL), to the Learning Level (LL) and also to how they valued each Subject (VS). At the same time, their teachers were asked to give the results of the first official examination. This way, each subject has got four variables, and some conclusions within the frame of the competencies for each of them have been obtained. These conclusions will be used in future revisions of the Teaching Guides of these subjects, with the aim of improving both the teaching and the learning of the Primary Teacher Degree subjects.


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How to Cite
Nortes Martínez-Artero, R., & Nortes Checa, A. (2012). Teaching, learning and assessment in the Degree in Primary Education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 30(2), 289–312. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/160821