Research in Mathematic Education: Objectives, Changes, Criteria, Method and Disemmination


  • Modesto Sierra Vázquez
Keywords: Research in Mathematics Education.


The research in Mathematics Education is a scientific field characterized by continuous change and progress. The aim of this paper is to describe the objectives, the current changes, and the criteria of this research field. With regard to the methodology,
it is necessary to say that, similar to studies about other topics referred to teaching, the research in Mathematics Education does not have a particular methodology, although it has a set of own methods to study its subject matter. Next, it is discussed the controversy on experimental research versus interpretative research with the aim to shed some light on them. Finally, it is presented an exposition about the spread of works on Mathematics Education and an example of the research in analysis of textbooks . We conclude that the research in Mathematics Education is an interdisciplinary field that has integrated different methods from other disciplines; this has contributed significantly to new works that have increased the knowledge about teaching methods and learning problems in Mathematics.


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How to Cite
Sierra Vázquez, M. (2011). Research in Mathematic Education: Objectives, Changes, Criteria, Method and Disemmination. Educatio Siglo XXI, 29(2), 173–198. Retrieved from