Challenges of Present Day Families towards School and ICTs.


  • Encarnación Bas Peña
  • María Victoria Pérez de Guzmán Puya
Keywords: Family, School, Values, Information and Communication Technologies.


The family is a social structure with its own identity, formed by the interrelationship of different roles. It constitutes the natural model of social integration, and is based on affective bows. Every culture, every time, establishes in an implicit and explicit way a range of ideals and values that are promoted in the family. Some of the responsibilities that in the last decades were attributed to the family have gradually fallen onto the school. Nowadays, people talk about the disconnection between family and school. It is necessary a reasonable and logical dialogue between both institutions, in order that the education they will receive, at home and at school, has a balance and a coherence, because they both fulfil concrete aims.
Information and Communication Technologies are present in the development of the human being from the moment in which we are born. The adults are responsible for its use at home. They must show its usefulness to the children, as well as establishing rules for its use. Our attitude towards these technologies will allow us to make a good use or, otherwise, an abuse that could be damage our moral, physical and psychic health.


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Author Biographies

Encarnación Bas Peña

Universidad de Murcia

María Victoria Pérez de Guzmán Puya

Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla
How to Cite
Bas Peña, E., & Pérez de Guzmán Puya, M. V. (2010). Challenges of Present Day Families towards School and ICTs. Educatio Siglo XXI, 28(1), 41–68. Retrieved from