¿Biopolítica o Tanatopolítica? Una defensa de la discontinuidad histórica


  • Salvador Cayuela Sánchez
Keywords: bio-politics, governmentality, national body, racism, State


In this article we shall attempt to define the concept of «bio-politics» in its original foucoultian meaning. In order to accomplish this, we will propose a relationship between different aspects of Foucaultʼs works, with the intention of clarifying the different elements of this complicated theory. Next, we will sketch a brief route through the different ways in which «bio-politics» have been developed in the last two hundred years. In an attempt to justify our discontinuous vision of History, and underline the unlawful «hypothesis of the progressive sophistication» of power technologies.


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How to Cite
Cayuela Sánchez, S. (2008). ¿Biopolítica o Tanatopolítica? Una defensa de la discontinuidad histórica. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (43), 33–49. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/daimon/article/view/96021