The religious Heroism: a brief Aproximation to the metaphysical anthropology of Maria Zambrano


  • Inmaculada Murcia Serrano
Keywords: metaphysical anthropology, Benito Pérez Galdós, theory of the hero, dream, existence


In this article I defend the thesis that Maria Zambranoʼs metaphysical anthropology, normally associated with her books El sueño creador and Los sueños y el tiempo, of middle of the sixties, was being pondered, though still not wholy developed, in the year 1938, when she publishes her first incursion in the novel Misericordia by Benito Perez Galdós. In addition, the above mentioned metaphysics are defined, in clear opposition to Ortega´s and Unamuno´s metaphysics, as a «religious heroism».


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How to Cite
Murcia Serrano, I. (2008). The religious Heroism: a brief Aproximation to the metaphysical anthropology of Maria Zambrano. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (45), 103–124. Retrieved from