What we plose in this article is the need to think through the sexual diference as one of the main keys to hte understanding of our relationship to others. From that perspective, that relationship has been mostly determined by exclusion and domination. We think that philosophy can make an important contribution to this cause. We have to deal with rethinking the problem of sexual difference once more, reformulating it in other terms. However, what we specifically raise in this article, is the way we women can contribute to such aim. In order to do so we turn to the words of those women who from their activity as thinkers or writers have attempted to force their way thorugh the rather masculine world of philosophy and literature. Finally what we conclude from this refelction is that thinking through the sexual difference as key to the relationship to the other, is basically an ethical question. This ethical point of view means at the same time both the need for a new and original theory, and a real practical compromise as well ethical as political.Downloads
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