Absolute Freedom of Speech and Social Media: Deconstructing the Argument of Individual Self-Realization


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon.610891
Keywords: Self-Fulfillment, Autonomy, Scanlon, Social Media, Public Sphere, Habermas


The paper challenges the absolute conception of freedom of speech as an unconditional means for individual self-realization. Firstly, it discusses the positions of Scanlon and Redish, revealing the inherent vulnerabilities in their arguments. Subsequently, it argues against the view of unlimited freedom of speech as fundamental to self-realization. Finally, even if one were to accept the premise of self-realization as an axiom, social media would not qualify as suitable arenas for its actualization, given their inability to replicate the fundamental characteristics of a public sphere that favors open, plural, and rational debate. Keywords: self-realization, autonomy, Scanlon, social media, public sphere, Habermas.


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How to Cite
Bresolin, K. (2024). Absolute Freedom of Speech and Social Media: Deconstructing the Argument of Individual Self-Realization. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (93), 55–70. https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon.610891
MONOGRÁFICO sobre «Diversidad y deliberación en entornos digitales». Artículos: Democracia, deliberación y tolerancia en contextos digitales